
Wednesday 18 December 2013

Who's that woman with the flaming hair?

I had a little talk today with one amazing lady that embodies the soul of Pop Up Art House. Maybe you already know who she is...?

If your answer was Ágnes Kaszás, then you're absolutely right! If you don't already know her (gasp) then scroll down to see how she answered my tough questions.
And you too, who already know her, scroll down. Now.

Ágnez Kaszás, co-owner of Pop Up Art House
• Describe yourself with five words.
A: Oh man! Seriously? Five  words? Jazz… ummm… rebelling… hyperactive, uncompromising… food.

• Which countries have you visited during the last 5 years?
A: Hungary, Finland, Sweden, USA (New York), Germany (Berlin), Austria (Vienna), England (London, Plymouth). New York definitely made the biggest impression on me, it was my second time and I worked there. I saw this awesome exhibition in Moma (Cindy Sherman) and was really inspired by it also regarding to the Pop Up Art House concept.

• How did the concept of Pop Up Art House come up?
A: It started about 2 years ago when I was already living here and was a bit homesick. I was asking around for an eclectic and crazy art places, but there was none. My friend, Laura, said to me, “stop whining, woman, and do something about it!”. So, we started to work with Laura on the concept and I went to collect some Hungarian props for it. I met Blaue Frau and together with them we realized that we could collaborate; it was meant to be! It took 1,5 years to make this place come true. For me it’s important to have a place, where it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from; here everyone can be a stranger.
Also the fact that I grew up working in my family’s restaurant impacted on the decision to create this place. My father is one of the best master chefs in Hungary and my parents had the restaurant for 20 years, 10 years of it being the best one in Hungary. My parents wanted me to continue with the business, but I rebelled, wanting to be an actor. But here I am now, basically running a restaurant, although I do it in my artistic way. My parents are now happy that I decided to continue in their footsteps in the end.

• Why is it only twice a year?
A: At the moment this is all I can handle, really.
• Do you have future plans for development of the place?
A: I’d like to make this place more permanent with more staff working for it; to make the concept more stable.

Now to the fun part!
Would you rather…  

… be a mermaid or a dragon?
A: (laughs) A dragon. It has more freedom and power.

… be invisible or be able to fly?
A: Oh, hard one! I’ve been thinking of that! Do I need to choose one, I love both..? Well, flying. I keep having those dreams and it seems awesome. And as I’d already prefer to be a dragon so yes, flying.

… be a dog or a cat?
A: A cat, that’s so easy! I love cats and my inner personality is a cat. I also had a cat when I was a child, and as I didn’t have any siblings the cat was kind of a sibling for me for 17 years.

… have a house in the city or the countryside (in a country of your choise)?
A: City, because I’m hyperactive and need random craziness around me.

… live in Finland or somewhere else?
A: Somewhere else (laughs). I got many wonderful things about Finland and I’m grateful for those, but the match between my personality and the Finnish lifestyle isn’t the best.

… have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze but can’t, again for the rest of your life?
A: Ummm, hiccups. I hate the feeling of needing to sneeze but not being able to.

… go back in time to 1800’s to meet your ancestors or to 2500 to meet your grand-something-children?
A: Future. I’m really interested about what’s going to happen in the future, and it would be great to see how you have impacted on it with your legacy. 

… be able to talk with animals or be fluent in every single language in the world?
A: As an idea speaking with animals would be fun, but human languages would be better from a practical point of view (laughs). 

… have all of your dreams come true with a 10% chance of instant death or be mundane and lead a boring life?
A: Of course the dreams, absolutely! Even if the chance of instant death was 50% and the boring life would be a long one.

… always wear pj’s or a formal dress?
A: Formal dress, it’s an illusion of a good life and balance.


I think she did pretty well answering those questions, don't you think? If you'd like to meet her, come and visit Pop Up Art House, she's hanging out there practically every day. Maybe you have some tricky questions you'd like to ask her?

Talking about Pop Up Art House:


So make the best out of the days that we have left for now, the next opportunity for visiting us will be at late spring 2014.

Two days, gosh! Where has the time gone to?

Tick tock,
the Stranger

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